660th AMXS Spouse Support Group

Commander's Call
Shirt Tales
Base Activity Groups
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Welcome to our web site!

It's with great pleasure that we welcome you the 660th Spouse Website. This site is intended for the 660th Spouses and will porvide you with information for your everyday military family life at Travis.
While this site has been created by the Spouses of the 660th for our spouses, we would like to invite anyone to view the site and see what we've got going on. If you are a military spouse with another unit that does not have a support group or would just like to talk to someone outside of your own unit, please feel free to contact any of our Key Spouses. We will do anything we can to be of assistance, even if it's just to lend a friendly ear. The 660th considers themselves to be one big family and extends that to all of our military "brothers and sisters" around the world.
660th AMXS
Spouse Support Group
Travis Air Force Base, CA

The Air Force Spouse Letter


Please note that this website is a product of the 660th AMXS Spouse Support Group created by spouses for spouses. All opinions, articles, etc. contained here in are not to be considered approved by and in no way reflect the opinions of the United States Air Force or the 660th AMXS.

"The appearance of advertising or links on the Web site does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, the 660th AMXS Squadron, or The AMXS Spouse Support Group of the products or services advertised."

"Editorial comment is edited, prepared, and provided by Sara Garbe."
